Getting Started - Bowls Academy

So, you’ve decided that you would like to try playing crown green bowls – but what do you do now? The first step to playing the sport, is finding somewhere to play. Across the Harrogate District there are 16 crown green bowling clubs, all of which are always happy to welcome potential new members.
But how do you choose a club to play at? Many people come into the sport through knowing someone that already plays. This is a great way to be introduced to a club and can be a comforting way to start. If you don’t know anyone that currently plays, there is almost certainly a bowling club within a short journey from your home. Have a look at our club finder page to see the clubs available and location.
You can do some research about a club, speak to the secretary and/or visit the green and speak to members before you make a final decision.
The Harrogate ABA is running a bowls academy and co-ordinating information on coaching and open days across the district. Feel free to send us an email to habasect@gmail.com and we will help to answer your questions and put you in contact with local clubs and/or arrange an introductory session for you.

The Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association and its clubs provide Try Bowls taster sessions and to facilitate newcomers to bowling and free coaching to assist new bowlers to develop their game. We can cater for individuals, families or groups all equipment provided all you need is flat souled footwear.
We would be interested in hearing from organisations that would wish to arrange sessions for staff or clients, or sports clubs who may have members interested in taking up another sport if they are nearing the end of their career or to try alongside their existing sport. We would like more females to take up the sport, click here to see a video clip of a mother and daughter who enjoy the challenge provided by bowls.
We will be running a series of events annually as part of our bowls academy and have qualified coaches and equipment to facilitate this. We will be running regular sessions on Wednesday evenings, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and weekends across the district but can arrange sessions to suit individuals or groups if required.
The league sessions as well as those of the bowls clubs in the Harrogate District are all on our events calendar.
Bowls Academy
Our events include​
Try bowls taster sessions - coffee mornings / aftrnoons;
Try bowls taster sessions – pizza & beer or soft drink evenings.
Free Coaching development sessions
Club open days
Beginners and experienced bowler – pro am competitions
To find these search our calendar of events here

These are Try Bowls for Free events – to book a place please use the contact form or for individuals and/or groups wanting to contact us to arrange a specific session to suit then please feel free to contact us using the contact form or ring / text Dave Rowson, HABA secretary on 07896679547.