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Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association


Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association is the governing body for crown green bowling in the district affiliated to the Yorkshire Crown Green Bowling Association and the British Crown Green Bowling Association.


Our prime objectives are to promote and develop the sport of crown green bowls in the area and coordinate bowls development activities on behalf of our member clubs.


There are 16 clubs in the district playing in two leagues.


The evening league is played on a Monday & Tuesday whilst the over 60’s ‘veterans’ league is played on a Friday afternoon with some teams fixtures played at 11am.


League games are played in divisions with each team playing their opponents home and away. The fixtures for the leagues are on the bowlsnet system


There are also a number of competitions played league cups for teams and a number of league competitions that individuals can enter.


The Harrogate ABA also plays in a national representative league with 4 games a season on Sunday’s with 12 players at home in Harrogate and 12 bowlers away at venues from Birmingham to Cumbria.


HABA Officers


President - Chris Sunter - (Bilton Dragon)


Vice President - Peter Syson - (Low Harrogate)


General Secretary - Dave Rowson (Black Swan)


Fixture secretary evening - Chris England - (Bilton Dragon)


Fixture secretary veteran’s over 60 - Trevor Ingledew (Knaresborough)


Treasurer - Steve Cochrane (Wayside)


Bowls development coordinator - Alan Scorfield (Collingham)


Safeguarding Officer - Peter Syson (Low Harrogate)

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